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Vaginal Candidiasis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Vaginal Candidiasis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Vaginal Candidiasis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Vaginal candidiasis is an extremely common fungal yeast infection of the vagina. This condition is also referred to as vaginal thrush, candidal vulvovaginitis, and vaginal yeast infection. These infections are named after the Candida albicans fungus, as that’s what causes them. Normally, the Candida yeast or fungi are a part of the usual vaginal flora just like the healthy lactobacilli. However, the lactobacilli help keep the Candida in very small numbers to maintain a healthy pH and environment in the vagina. The problem arises when this balance tips towards the Candida and they grow in abnormally high numbers, thus resulting in the vaginal irritation, itching, and odorless discharge, classic signs of a vaginal yeast infection.

This is one of the most common and frequent vaginal infections in women. As many as 20% of the women experience a vaginal yeast infection every year and around 5% are affected by this infection at least thrice in a year, while a significant 75% are likely to experience it at least once in their lifetime. Most women experience a worsening in their symptoms or a new vaginal thrush infection around their periods.


Causes of Vagina Candidiasis

Vaginal yeast infections are a direct outcome of excessive colonization or growths of Candida albicans. However, the actual causes or factors that result in an increased growth of this fungus are yet unknown. Even so, several risk factors likely to help Candida thrive in the vagina to attain abnormal levels have been acknowledged. Taking note of these factors is also important in the prevention of recurrent vaginal yeast infections in women who are susceptible to them.

* Medications:

Antibiotics and particularly broad-spectrum antibiotics destroy the good bacteria or the lactobacilli subsequently causing the Candida to thrive. Hence, a course of antibiotics is very likely to result in a vaginal yeast infection. In fact, nearly 30% of the women, who undergo treatment with oral antibiotics, end up with this infection.

* Pregnancy:

Pregnant women are usually at an increased risk of developing vaginal candidiasis, mainly because of increased estrogen levels. This hormone allows the Candida to flourish leading to frequent vaginal yeast infections in pregnancy.

* Underlying diseases:

Diabetes Mellitus and conditions like HIV/AIDS and chemotherapy that may result in a compromised immunity often result in frequent vaginal yeast infections too. Poor sugar control among diabetics is a common risk factor for frequent candidial infections. As for the conditions that result in a compromised immunity, the frequent vaginal yeast infections mainly arise because the body isn’t capable to fight the infections thanks to a poor immune system.


Symptoms of Vaginal Candidiasis

The symptoms of vaginal candidiasis are characterized by itching in and around the genitals. This is the most common and most frustrating of its symptoms. However, a woman may also experience one or more of the following symptoms when affected by a vaginal yeast infection.

* Vulval and vaginal itching

* Soreness and irritation of the vulva

* Painful urination

* Pain during intercourse

* Translucent or white discharge that is generally odorless. The discharge sometimes also appears thick and lumpy like curd or cottage cheese

* Very rarely, severe vaginal thrush infections may also cause swelling or edema of the vulva with severe redness and cracked skin


How is Vaginal Candidiasis Treated?

The treatment regimen for vaginal candidiasis is quite straightforward. It mainly involves topical or local application of anti-fungal ointments sometimes coupled with oral administration of anti-fungal medications. Genreally, treatment with azoles topically is much more successful than using nystatin for this purpose. Butoconazole, miconazole, clotrimazole, tioconazole, and terconazole are some of the azoles that are frequently found in the topical suppositories, creams, and ointments used to treat vaginal candidiasis. A single dose of flucanazole taken orally along with the local applications is often used successfully to get rid of these infections too.


Good Nutrition During Pregnancy

Good Nutrition During Pregnancy

Good Nutrition During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a crucial phase in a woman’s life. Everything from how you exercise to what you

eat holds a renewed significant during these nine months. Out of all the adjustments a

pregnant women needs to make, nutrition ranks amongst the highest. After all, ‘You are eating

for two’. However, this mainly refers to the quality of your food and not really its quantity.

Doubling your intake isn’t necessary, but a healthy, simple, and varied diet is what you really

need. Here’s what you should and shouldn’t eat in a nutshell.


Good Nutrition and Calories

Calories provide your baby with energy and help your baby gain weight. That does not mean

greatly up your food and calorie consumption. Precisely, you need about 1,800 calories in your

first trimester, 2,200 calories in your second trimester, and 2,400 calories in your last trimester

every day for the good nutrition during pregnancy. That’s roughly about 300 extra calories as compared

to what a non-pregnant woman needs.


Vitamins and Minerals During Pregnancy

Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid:

You need 400 mcg of folic acid every day, especially in your first trimester. Folic acid prevents

anomalies of the neural tube like spina bifida and folate deficiency anemia. Moreover, you may

also add folate fortified cereals, poultry, eggs, meat, and fish to your diet for additional doses of

this nutrient.

A pregnant woman requires 27 mg of iron from her diet in a day. Increased blood volume and

blood loss during childbirth are likely to increase your risk of iron-deficiency anemia. Hence,

reinforcement with oral iron supplements and foods like chicken and beef liver, pork loin chops,

turkey, fish, fenugreek, tofu, lentils, raisins, bananas, dates, and apples helps prevent anemia

and keeps the oxygen flowing to the baby.


Calcium and vitamin D

Calcium and vitamin D play an important role in the development of the fetal bones and teeth.

For good nutrition during pregnancy, a woman needs 1000 mg of calcium every day. Hence, a 500 mg

calcium and vitamin D supplement daily and foods like milk and milk products are recommended.



DHA helps with the development of the fetal brain and vision. Now a days, folic acid

supplements with additional DHA is easily available too, so you may speak to your doctor about

one. Additionally, eating more fatty fish and DHA fortified cereals is also recommended for good nutrition

during pregnancy.



Pregnant women are at an increased risk of an underactive thyroid gland or hypothyroidism, a

possible risk factor for mental retardation in the baby. Iodine is important  in keeping your

thyroid gland healthy and running normally. Hence, iodized salt, seafood, kombu, seaweeds,

swiss chard, and vegetables cultivated in iodine enriched soil, etc. are recommended by most

doctors. However, also remember that iodine is good but only in moderation; too much of it

may also lead to hypothyroidism.


Vitamin C:

Vitamin C also known as ascorbic acid improves the iron absorption capacity of your body and

boosts your immunity. Consume more citrus fruits, tomatoes, cranberries, lime juice, and

broccoli to get enough of it.


Good Nutrition: The Don’t

Avoid soft cheese, fish that may contain mercury, and undercooked meat like steaks and sushi,

as they may contain harmful bacteria such as salmonella and listeria. Also, avoid alcohol and

tobacco smoke or nicotine and cut down on your caffeine intake as these substances may harm

your baby. Skipping meals or dieting is also out, to avoid hypoglycemia and its effects on the


Stay Fit While Pregnant- Ten Antenatal Advices

Stay Fit While Pregnant- Ten Antenatal Advices

Stay Fit While Pregnant- Ten Antenatal Advices


Though pregnancy is considered as a physiological event, pregnant woman differs in various physiological aspects than a non-pregnant one. There occur gross hormonal and biochemical changes in a woman’s body after conception. Thus, it imposes some restrictions in different aspects of life as well as needed some form of additional care to stay fit while pregnant. Few health-tips are mentioned here to ensure your pregnancy-period safe.


Diet To Stay Fit While Pregnant

Pregnancy-diet is a bit different:  All that is required is a balanced diet and care should be taken that it contains the necessary vitamins and minerals. Of course along with it, your diet should be light, nutritious and easily digestible.2500 Kilocalories/day intake appeared adequate throughout the pregnancy. Practically, in addition to the principal food to stay fit while pregnant, you should drink half a liter, if not, one liter of milk, green leafy vegetables and fruits. Supplementary nutritional therapy with iron is needed for all pregnant women from 16 to 20 weeks onwards.

Change in your Bowel and bladder habit is natural: Constipation is a rule as well as increased urinary frequency. Try to eat as much as water and dietary fiber for regular bowel movement to stay fit while pregnant.


Rest and Sleep Needs During Pregnancy

Ensure adequate rest and sleep: You require 10 hours sleep to stay fit while pregnant. It may be 2 hours in day-time and 8 hours at night. In late-pregnancy you will feel comfortable to sleep in side-posture. You may continue your normal work-schedule, but should avoid hard and strenuous occupation.

You can opt for light exercises : Swimming, cycling or walking and other forms of light aerobic exercises are recommended , provided your pregnancy does not fall into a high risk category. Stop weight lifting, scuba diving, body-contact sports and other harder exercises. Consult your physician if you have respiratory difficulty or palpitation during light exercises.

Travelling should be planned accordingly: Travelling should be planned depending upon current pregnancy status. You should avoid long on road journey in the first trimester and last six weeks. Train route is preferable. Travel in pressurized aircraft offers less risk. Air travel is not allowed if you are suffering from severe anemia, hypertension or sickle-cell disease.

Clothing, shoes and belts should be comfortable: You should wear loose but comfortable garments. High heel shoes should better be avoided in advanced pregnancy when the center of balance alters.


Health Care To Stay Fit While Pregnant

It is the time to care of your breasts: If your nipples are automatically normal, nothing is to be required beyond ordinary cleanliness.  If the nipples are retracted, you may require some manipulation to correct it in later months.

Stop Smoking and alcohol. Be careful about medications: All types of addictions have a deleterious effect over the growing fetus. Heavy smokers have smaller babies and there are also more chances of abortion. So stop smoking to stay fit while pregnant. Likewise, alcohol consumption is to be drastically curtailed or stopped as it also causes fetal malformation and small babies.

Likewise, all most all the drugs given to mothers will cross the placenta to reach the fetus. So keep it in mind if you are on some form of medication or will going to have due to any reasons. Please inform or remind your physician regarding your pregnancy status while prescribing any drugs to you.

Immunizations should be chosen carefully: Sometimes you need to be vaccinated, even if you are pregnant. Vaccines are of two forms. Live vaccines and killed. All live vaccines [Rubella, measles, mumps, chicken pox, yellow fever] are contraindicated in pregnant woman while requiring for travelling to endemic zone. However, killed vaccines [Rabies, Hepatitis A and B or tetanus toxoid] can be given as in non-pregnant state.

Coitus is recommended in low-risk pregnancy: You may have it except your pregnancy is at a risk of abortion or preterm labor. Some recommend avoiding it straight away in first three months and last six weeks of pregnancy.

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This website contains general information about medical conditions and treatments. The information is not medical advice.

If you have any specific questions about any medical matter you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.